Endowed Funds

Endowed funds are to be used for a specific purpose, consistent with the intent of the person who created the fund. Our financial goal is to preserve the principal so that it retains its  value over the long run despite inflation. This is done by using earnings, as necessary, and adding earnings to principal when not needed. Some of Sinai Temple’s endowed funds are owned by Sinai Temple and managed by the Champaign Urbana Jewish Endowment Fund while others are owned and managed by the CUJEF for the benefit of Sinai Temple.

To make a contribution to one of the following endowments, please send your check to CUJEF at 503 E. John St., Champaign, IL 61820, with the fund’s name listed clearly in the memo line. Donations may also be made on the CUJEF website.

The following are Sinai Temple’s endowed funds along with their descriptions:

  • Cohen (Julius Cohen Memorial Garden Fund): Maintenance and improvement of Sinai Temple gardens.
  • Ginsberg (Joli and Donald Ginsberg Library Fund): For books, periodicals, electronic media, electronic devices, supplies, furnishings, and other materials deemed appropriate to the Sinai Temple Library. Materials are to be chosen by the Sinai Temple Rabbi and/or the Temple Librarian.
  • Ginsberg Guest Lecturer (Joli and Donald Ginsberg Lecturer Fund): To provide for guest lecturers. All printed programs for such lectures shall be endorsed “supported by a gift from the Donald M. and Joli L. Ginsberg fund.”
  • Glaser (Milton and Annette Glaser Concert Fund): For biennial concerts of Jewish music at Sinai Temple.
  • Hamburg (J. Ben Hamburg Early Childhood Education Fund): Jewish educational materials for kindergarten through grade three.
  • Korry (Sisterhood Myron Korry Confirmation Education Fund): To fund a religious experience for the annual confirmation class.
  • Lewis (Lewis Family Fund): For lectures and other programs of Judaic interest. For full or partial scholarships to Jewish camps.
  • Libman (Clarence and Adele Libman Sinai Temple Religious School Education Fund): Established in 1993 by the families of William and Robert Libman, income is automatically sent to Sinai Temple at the start of each fiscal year for the sole use of the Sinai Temple Religious School. Use of the funds is at the discretion of the Sinai Temple Board of Trustees in collaboration with the recommendations of the Sinai Temple Religious School Committee.
  • Loeb (Charles R. and Helen Loeb Fund): Education of Jewish children in religious school and other institutions (including camps).
  • Marco (Jack and Sadye Marco Holocaust Fund): Primarily to fund an annual Yom HaShoah program at Sinai Temple with appropriate music and speakers that will attract adults and children. Where funds are available, support of community Holocaust education efforts will be given.
  • Rabbinic (Smith Rabbinic Endowment): Provide a stable source of salary funding for the Sinai Temple Rabbi.
  • Rabbinic (Sudman Rabbinic Endowment): Provide a stable source of salary funding for the Sinai Temple Rabbi.
  • Shapiro (Michael and Elizabeth Shapiro Camp Scholarship Fund): Scholarships for children enrolled in the Sinai Temple Religious School to support attendance at Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute.
  • Sinai Board (Sinai Temple Tepper Board Discretionary Fund): Special projects of the Sinai Temple Board of Directors.
  • Sinai Camp (Sinai Temple Sisterhood Camp Scholarship Fund): Provides partial tuition scholarships to UAHC camps for children of Sinai Temple members.
  • Sinai General (Sinai Temple General Endowment Fund): Augments the Sinai Temple General Fund.
  • Steinberg (Marvin Steinberg Scholar-in-Residence Fund): For bringing scholars to present a lecture/seminar series at Sinai Temple to help perpetuate Judaism.
  • Sudman (Blanche and Seymour Sudman Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund): To provide a regular source of income for the Sinai Temple Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund of Sinai Temple.
  • Youth (Youth Leadership Fund): Supports attendance at youth leadership conferences by youth in the Champaign-Urbana Jewish community.
  • Zimmerman (Mathlia Zimmerman B’nai Israel Fund): For support of lecturers and pulpit guests at Sinai Temple.