Committee Descriptions – Board Approved – 2014-01-13

Committee Descriptions

Approved by Sinai Temple Board of Trustees, 1/13/14





Buildings and Grounds:

This committee oversees all building issues including, but not limited to, buildings, grounds, garden, internet infrastructure, and equipment maintenance and updates.



This committee develops and conducts all development and fundraising events.



This committee advises the Board on financial issues. It shall act as the Temple’s budget committee and draft the Temple’s annual budget for Board and Congregational approval.  This committee may make recommendations to the Board on any finance issue, including expenditures, financial policies, banking, investments and accounting procedures.


Religious Education:

This committee advises the Rabbi and Director of Education on education issues including, but not limited to, staffing, employees, curriculum, policies and procedures.  This committee also provides day to day financial monitoring including recommending a Religious School annual budget to the Board for each fiscal year.



This committee is responsible for developing and implementing rules and regulations for Temple employees and acts as a personnel grievance board.



This committee nominates Officers and Board Members according to Temple by-laws.



This committee manages the cemetery according to Temple by-laws and establishes policies for its operation.





Adult Education:

This committee is responsible for creating and implementing, in consultation with the Rabbi and Director of Education, learning experiences for adults; these may include courses on a variety of Jewish topics and may meet once or on a regular basis.


Arts & Acquisitions:

This committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Sinai Temple Board of Trustees pertaining to the acquisition and/or commission of gifts, art and furnishings as well as its placement within the Temple. This committee also manages the Sinai Temple Museum Collection.


Audio / Visual:

This committee is responsible for all audio and visual equipment used by the Temple and Religious School.


Camp Scholarships:

This committee is responsible for informing congregants about camp scholarship opportunities and may be involved in the awarding of scholarship in consultation with the Rabbi, Director of Education and other outside Jewish organizations.


Caring Committee:

This committee works together to assist those in need during a time of crisis. This may include providing rides and food to those who are homebound, initiating phone calls to those who are isolated, visiting those in nursing homes and organizing a meal of condolence and shiva gatherings



This committee works to create or re-constitute chavurot. These are small groups of congregants with similar interests who may meet on a regular basis for social and spiritual purposes.



This committee provides the software and backup to track the myriad details of demographic and financial information related to Sinai membership, past and present, including yahzreit information.


Egalitarian Traditional Minyan:

This committee oversees the activities of the Minyan, including scheduling services and special events. The Egalitarian Traditional Minyan of Sinai Temple conducts Shabbat morning services approximately twice a month, and all holidays including Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, in the style of the Conservative Movement.


Gift Shop:

This committee operates the Sinai Temple Gift Shop which has the most extensive collection of Judaica for sale in East Central Illinois.  All profits from the gift shop support the Sinai Temple Religious School.


Internet (not infrastructure):

This committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Sinai Temple website and social media and arranging for Internet access for Sinai Temple’s computer network.



This committee oversees the kitchen’s operations including but not limited to keeping it organized and well stocked, informing families about kitchen procedures, and scheduling onegs for Friday night Reform services and Shabbat Rocks services as well as Egalitarian Traditional Minyan kiddush lunches.



This committee operates Sinai Temple’s library by updating and maintaining a collection of Jewish books and resources for both adults and children.



This committee helps non-members in the Jewish community to learn about Sinai Temple. The committee promotes the values of Temple membership and creates a sense of community



This committee advises the Rabbi and Director of Music on music issues including, but not limited to, developing and scheduling new, alternative and traditional music for services and assists the Rabbi and Director of Music in supervising the Family Folk Singers, Shabbat Singers, directors of specialty choruses and other musicians.


Religious Affairs:

This committee consults with the Rabbi on issues relating to religious practices. Decisions of the Committee are subject to Board approval and shall be consistent with the terms of the Rabbi’s contract and duties.


This committee exists to provide a vehicle for congregational input on matters of the religious practice of the Temple. The Committee may consult with the Rabbi from time to time on these matters but the Rabbi retains the authority to determine religious practices of the Temple.


Shabbat Rocks:

This committee coordinates the planning of the monthly service aimed at families with school-aged children.


Social Action:

This committee, in consultation with the Rabbi, establishes programs, projects or events that are designed to benefit people or causes of interest to Sinai Temple (non-fundraising events).


Social Events:

This committee plans and supervises social events at Sinai including, but not limited to, holiday dinners, summer parties, cooking, dancing and other events of interest to congregants.


Visiting Congregations:

This committee makes arrangements for groups, such as other congregations, who visit Sinai Temple to observe services, religious school or other events.