Membership Pledges


Welcome to Sinai Temple!

Although Sinai is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism and subscribes to the tenets of Reform Judaism, its membership includes all Jews: Reform, Conservative, Traditional, Secular, Cultural, etc. One of the strengths of Sinai Temple is the way in which people with these diverse views join together to create a Temple Family. The purpose of Sinai is to foster important values in Judaism such as learning, prayer, and community service.

Sinai serves the religious and educational needs of the Jewish community while providing a setting for the many Jewish social and cultural activities which take place in Champaign-Urbana. Sinai often joins with B’nai B’rith, the Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation, the University of Illinois Hillel Foundation, and the University of Illinois Program in Jewish Culture and Society to bring to our community many important scholars, artists, speakers, politicians and performers.


In 2011, Sinai Temple switched from a mandatory membership fee structure to a voluntary pledge system. Under this process, each member sets his or her own level of support based on a target level of 2% of household income. We estimate that if families support the Temple with 2% of their income, we will have adequate funds to operate without a deficit. This proposal of 2% – or whatever you can afford – is based on our deep conviction that the vast majority of our members will be guided by their sense of responsibility to support the Jewish community in a spirit of generosity and good will, regardless of financial status.

However, we do not want finances to prohibit anyone from joining Sinai Temple. If your family is unable to contribute at the 2% level, please pledge an amount that is feasible and meaningful for your family. We do not request or require proof of income.

The Board believes that a strong and vital Temple benefits all of us, regardless of whether you are actively or only occasionally involved in Temple activities. It is a collaborative effort to see to it that the Temple is both financially and spiritually healthy for current – and future – generations.


Sinai Temple maintains a Building Fund, which is used for capital repairs of our building and grounds. We request that each member family contribute $150.00 annually towards the building fund. Having a robust Building Fund allows for these large expenditures without affecting our operating budget.


The Security and Life Safety Fund is to provide financing for our increasing security needs. This fund may be used for alarm system upgrades including the premise alarm system, the fire alarm system, CCTV and security guards. Each family will be assessed a $120 fee per year.



For any questions about Membership, please contact the Sinai Temple Administrator, at 217-352-8140 or