Donations to Sinai Temple are gratefully accepted. Our membership dues cover only a portion of the annual expenses, not the full costs of running a synagogue. Additional contributions are always needed to help keep our activities going.
Donations can be a meaningful way to congratulate friends on simchahs or show you care in time of sorrow. When you make a gift for some special purpose such as honoring a happy occasion, offering appreciation or good wishes, or remembering a deceased friend or relative, your gift is acknowledged in publications such as the monthly bulletin. When you donate, you may designate that your gift go to Sinai Temple’s general fund or to one of the other existing obligated or endowed funds. You can learn more about them on this website. You could even establish your own named fund!
Donations of money can be by either check or credit card. Donations can also be made in other forms such as property or securities (like appreciated stocks). All are, of course, tax deductible. This website instructs you on how and where to send your donation. For more assistance, you may contact the Sinai Temple office.